Types of Fires and Fire Extinguishers


Understanding the different types of fires and extinguishers is essential for safe and effective fire response. Fires are categorised by their fuel sources—such as wood, electrical, or flammable liquids. Using the wrong extinguisher can be ineffective and sometimes create a greater threat.

Understanding the types of fire you are faced with and which extinguisher to use, can help to control a fire quicker and minimise risk of damage or injury.

Firstly, outlined below are the different types of Fire Classification:


Solid combustible materials i.e. Paper, Wood, Textiles.


lammable Liquids i.e. Petrol, Diesel, Oil.


lammable Gases i.e. Natural Gas, Propane.


ombustible Metals i.e. Sodium, Potassium, Lithium.


Cooking Oils/Fats i.e. Deep Fat Fryers.


Electrical Fires i.e. Short-circuiting Equipment.

To respond appropriately to the type of fire you are confronted with, you need to be able to identify the different type of fire extinguisher. All our Fire Extinguishers are fitted with clear identification signs and instructions for ease of use.

Below is a simple guide of our Firefighting Equipment to help you select the correct equipment based on your environment


CO2 Electrical Fires and Flammable LiquidsDisplaces oxygen
  • Harmless to electrical equipment. Found in common areas such as offices.
  • Gas does not contaminate food. Often found in kitchens.
  • Often found with Foam Extinguishers/Water Mist
POWDERSolid Combustibles, Flammable Liquids and Gases Smothers flames by cutting off oxygen
  • Extinguishes most fire types. Widely recommend for domestic use.
  • Leaves residue and can damages electrical equipment, therefore it is not suitable for all areas.
FOAMClass A & BCools and seals to prevent re-ignition
  • Extinguishes most fire types. Widely recommend for domestic use.
  • Leaves residue and can damages electrical equipment, therefore it is not suitable for all areas.
  • Main type of unit used in office areas and hotel corridors.
  • Not conductors of electricity if accidently sprayed on an electrical appliance.
  • Commonly found with Carbon Dioxide (Co2) Extinguishers.
WATER MISTClass ADisperses fine mist to cool the fire
  • Due to new regulations from the EPA, Water Mist Extinguishers will replace Foam Extinguishers.
  • Safe use on Live Electrical Equipment up to 1000v at 1M.
WET CHEMICALClass A & FForms a soppy layer to seal oxygen
  • Specifically for fires involving cooking oils and fats, therefore found in Kitchens.
  • Produces a gentle but effective spray to prevent oil backsplash on user.
FIRE BLANKETSmall Fires/PersonCuts off oxygen supply quickly
  • Found in a variety of settings including homes, kitchens, schools, offices, caravans.
At Champion Fire, our client’s safety and protection are our number one priority. We educate our clients on the risks associated with fire and impart the skills and knowledge needed to respond in a fire related emergency. If you would like to learn more about protecting your home or workplace, please contact a member of our team on (021) 484 0022.